Two hands shaking hands, one white and one black by AI generated image.


We believe in the power of long-term, synergistic and results-oriented partnerships. We know we can't achieve our goals alone. Together, we create lasting impact.

How we contribute

Behind GF Water Foundation lies more than two centuries of innovation and industrial expertise of Georg Fischer AG. Together with our world-class and highly engaged employees, the Foundation aims to contribute to our partnerships with:

  • Grants and sponsorships – We deploy financial resources strategically to drive change.
  • Open collaborations – We connect our private and civil society partners to bring complementary expertise and insights together to generate innovative solutions.  
  • Entrepreneurial support – We provide the funding, coaching and mentoring needed to foster entrepreneurial development in communities we aid.
  • Workforce training – We apply our know-how together with targeted financial support to provide valuable career and technical training.
  • Employee volunteering – Our employees are the source of our most creative ideas and provide critical support for our mission.
  • Advocacy and events – We increase public awareness and mobilize new funding sources in support of our mission.

What our partners say

Nzila Lubinda and Chilufya Muyembe in front of the new dormitory building


"Our partnership with GF Water Foundation has resulted in an innovative funding approach that gives more opportunity to those in need.  With an element of an interest-free loan, the funds will support the construction of a nursing school dormitory, while providing entrepreneurial support and financial discipline to our local social enterprise Ubuntu Homes. 

The repayment of the loan will be converted into full-scholarships for nursing school tuitions, enabling those who can’t afford to go to nursing schools to enter a profession of life-long impact."

Nzila Lubinda, Managing Director, Ubuntu Homes                                 

Chilufya Muyembe, SolidarMed Infrastructure Officer

Visit the SolidarMed website

Water Mission

"Water Mission and the GF Water Foundation have worked together for more than 13 years, bringing safe water and sanitation services to those in need. Eight years ago, we launched the first Walk for Water at GF Piping Systems in Irvine, California. Since then, the GF Walk for Water has developed into a global event at various GF locations.

We are excited to embark on a new journey with GF Water Foundation as a product/service provider, funder, and knowledge transfer partner. We aim to launch three creditworthy, investment-grade rural water utilities by 2027, beginning in Uganda, to bridge technical capacity gaps within rural communities by bringing more water to more people."

George Greene IV, CEO & President, Water Mission

Visit the Water Mission website

What we look for

As a corporate foundation, GF Water Foundation is an active partner in our projects and engagement worldwide. We are interested in partnerships that value how we work and the total contribution we bring to the projects.  We are also committed to experiment and innovate with our implementation partners in order to tackle the multiple interlinked challenges we frequently face in our combined effort.

Before proceeding to contact us, please bear in mind that it is our policy not to respond to unsolicited funding requests, whether your area of work is relevant to our focus or not. However, we are open to learning about your organization, getting to know your team and the way you operate before establishing working relationship.

Please use the contact button provided to send us the following documents and links:

  • Tell us why we are the right partner for your organization
  • Your organization’s website link
  • Your organization’s social media links
  • The latest audited annual report

The accuracy and authenticity of the information provided will help us determine the next steps.



Sara Trentin

Operations & Communications

GF Water Foundation

Amsler-Laffon-Strasse 9

8201 Schaffhausen
