GF Water Foundation


Discover how our employees, with their commitment and expertise, drive our mission forward.

Our employees drive global impact

We aim to leverage our GF knowledge to positively impact people and communities. Beyond technical expertise, we emphasize entrepreneurial and business skills in our development projects.

Our employees are the cornerstone of the Foundation through their involvement in these initiatives. We have collaborated with many of them, who have volunteered in projects around the world, and will continue to share their stories. These projects have not only transformed communities but also enriched our employees' personal and professional journeys. 



Lea Im Obersteg

Head of Collaborative Innovation, GF Piping Systems

"Less talking, more doing. That’s my mantra in my daily work as Head of Collaborative Innovation at GF Piping Systems. I’m very excited to see that my support for the GF Water Foundation directly translated into a collaboration with BOOKBRIDGE.

Through this Action Learning Program, we as a company, our employees and social entrepreneurs around the globe closely collaborate to find innovative solutions for real pressing challenges. It took us less than a year to launch a pilot: A great example of how small iterative steps are the foundation of every transformation."

Peter Barta

Global Business Development Manager Sustainability,  GF Piping Systems

"Water covers about 71% of our Earth’s surface and makes up 60% of the human body. It’s the one element binding us, society and nature, together into one indivisible ecosystem. Thus, water is the perfect metaphor for the Foundation: it stands for the ambition to understand the complex and interconnected challenges we are facing today and develop practical and impactful responses. As a sustainability professional this mission makes good sense to me and I’m excited to contribute to the ongoing work of the Foundation in a consulting role. "

Peter Barta

Phi Liebetrau

Specialist Learning and Development, GF Casting Solutions

"Understanding how vital clean water is for everyone and seeing the challenges for those who don’t have access to it has changed my perspective. I've always been lucky to have clean water, but now I want to make sure others do too. I have supported the Foundation in examining employee volunteering framework and practices and I continue to be fully behind the GF Water Foundation. Safe water should be a right for everyone, not just a privilege for some."

Gérôme Fuchs

Employer Branding & Culture Expert, GF Casting Solutions

"Personally, growing up and living in Switzerland always gave me the privilege to have access to safe water with one click. As individuals but also as an industrial company we have the responsibility to take care of this vital resource, water.

Together with my colleague, Phi Liebetrau, we have supported the development of an employee volunteering framework for the Foundation to engage with more employees in the future. I continue to be committed to supporting the GF Water Foundation in this area."

Gerome Fuchs
Gerome Fuchs

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager, GF Piping Systems

"As the Global PR Manager for GF Piping Systems, I am privileged to work daily with stories surrounding our most vital resource: water. Recognizing that access to safe drinking water remains a critical issue worldwide, I have been and am committed to supporting the GF Water Foundation in idea generation and networking.

Their efforts are crucial in addressing the challenges faced by those most vulnerable, particularly women and girls who are often deprived of education due to the necessity of fetching water for their families. This partnership aligns with our mission to improve lives through sustainable water solutions."